Wednesday, September 17, 2008


OKay, so i'm royally hacked today, so allow me to vent for a moment here!

I got a ticket today because I had no license plate and no seatbelt. the seatbelt is inexcusable, but i don't have a license plate because I haven't been able to go back to camden to have my car assessed, and i couldn't call in because I wasn't in the system. I had a job and band practice every friday night and wasn't able to go back to take care of business, so i finally took a monday morning off from classes and went to take care of business. I did it when I could as soon as I could.......then, my sister has the guts to tell me "shoulda taken care of your tags instead of getting a new phone".......and how many new phones has she gotten unnecessarily in the past year?? My old phone was glitchy and a friend of ours needed a new one, so I passed it on to she wants to complain...

and on the subject of her, she posted a blog on yahoo 360 talking about how something had happened to her and that "my sister is the only one who cares, the only house I can run to" I'm not the sister she's talking about here.....I'm supposedly her "best girl" "best friend" but apparently I dont' hold that place anymore. I feel betrayed and abandoned right now, but i'm sure i'll be over it soon, as usual. I'm so sick of taking the backseat when I hold her first constantly, i put off plans with other friends and with family to hang out with her cause she wants to hang out, and i constantly get put in the backseat. I'm TIRED OF IT!

so yeah....i'm in need of prayer.....thank God i'm going to church tonight...I need Jesus right now.

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