Friday, October 31, 2008


okay, so i broke with tradition and didn't post in over a month!! sorry guys!! here's my updates

i'm passing all my classes, all A's except for education, which is a B. Found out last week that my private lesson teacher is gone this week taking lessons from Eddie Daniels.....yes, THE Eddie Daniels, aka the best clarinet player in the world, the top clarinetest, and most amazing saxophonist........and i'm getting the trickle down effect of this!! HOW TOTALLY AWESOME IS THAT! Thank You Jesus!!

Secondly, I'M ENGAGED. crazy, right? seems so, but to me this is just so wonderful. I love this man so much....God has put this back together. Everything seems wonderful, but I know the storms are well on their way. keep us in your prayers, we're gonna continue seeking His will until the very minute of "I Do"

God Bless You!